Greetings geothermal enthusiasts! This is Jamie Beard of GEO, and Marit Brommer of IGA here, and we want to discuss a new initiative launched by our organizations called GreenPipeline.
First, a bit of background. Over the last 18 months, there has been significant and accelerating interest in scalable geothermal energy concepts, with increasing engagement from professionals and research groups in the oil and gas sector who are interested in playing a role in advancing it. The types of inquiries and comments that have landed in our inboxes over the past months, in particular after our co-hosted Pivot2020 conference, largely fit into these three categories:
I am in the oil and gas industry, and have a technology or idea that can help geothermal drilling/exploration/etc.
I want to transition my career into geothermal, I have ideas and I want to get involved, but I don’t know how.
I am in the geothermal industry, and I have institutional knowledge to share about the challenges that we encounter, and the needs that we have.
We want to organize all of these valuable contributions, and leverage them to form an actionable agenda. In essence, we are crowdsourcing the research and technical agenda needed for a successful pivot by oil and gas to geothermal. We seek to include all voices across existing geothermal industry entities and constituents, oil and gas entities and constituents, and researchers outside of these industries who may have ideas that could help push geothermal forward.
The aim of the #greenpipeline is to connect, inspire, catalogue, and make visible the immense overlap in capabilities, technologies and expertise between petroleum and geothermal resource exploration, drilling and production. This crowdsource will serve as a foundational step that we will leverage as a jumping off point for a variety of workshops that are being planned for 2021 across geothermal industry and oil and gas industry professional associations. It will also help us choose areas of heightened interest for our upcoming #Pivot2021 – From Hydrocarbons to Heat Conference. Finally, it will help inform technical and research agendas that are currently being considered for funding across a variety of private, government and philanthropic entities globally.
In sum, if you have ideas, we want to hear from you.
This is an open call; research groups and institutions, energy industry professionals (oil, gas, geothermal and beyond), national labs, entrepreneurs and others are invited to participate. When we have compiled the list of submissions, we will combine, summarize outcomes, and publish in a dynamic format available to all.
This effort is focused on technology research and methodology adaptation. Although policy, legal, regulatory and public relations/education are instrumental in this transformation, those issues are not part of this inquiry. We want to hear your thoughts on the research and demonstration projects needed to move us toward developing geothermal projects anywhere in the world.
A few considerations:
Please DO:
Submit as many ideas as you would like across as many subjects in the survey as you wish.
Submit lessons learned and ‘institutional knowledge’ from geothermal projects in the past that may have been less than successful, and offer your thoughts about how those difficulties might be avoided in the future.
Submit your ideas on how oil and gas technologies, expertise and methodologies can help us explore for, drill for, and produce geothermal resources more efficiently, cheaply and effectively, and also how existing technologies might be improved for use in the geothermal context.
Forward this survey to anyone you think would like to contribute.
Please DO NOT:
Submit confidential or trade secret information, as submissions will be made public and used in public forums.
Consider this an offer for or announcement of funding. There is no funding associated with the GreenPipeline project.
Submit early and often, and help us get conversations started about how to supercharge the transition of oil and gas technologies, methods and talent into scalable geothermal energy development. The deadline for submissions is only a week away.
A very special thanks to #GreenPipeline project organizers Lawrence Molloy, Oscar Llamosa, Malcolm Ross, Maria Richards, Graeme Beardsmore, Patrick Hanson, and to organizational partners International Geothermal Association and Geothermal Entrepreneurship Organization.